New palmvein scanner from iCOGNIZE

New palmvein scanner from iCOGNIZE

The Hessian company iCOGNIZE is launching the ScanVein Compact (SVC) this month – a new palm vein scanner for biometric authentication. It can be used to effectively secure any access areas in companies. Access control of the future With the ScanVein Compact, iCOGNIZE is ushering in a new era in product development: The new 2CON transmission technology has already been […]

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Vodafone Club’s new offers enable customers to enjoy the summer at its best

Vodafone Club’s new offers enable customers to enjoy the summer at its best

This summer, Vodafone Club includes new offers tailored for all customers, highlighting company’s commitment of providing various benefits to reward its customers. A new set of partners and exclusive offers are available for customers, enabling them to follow their passions and interests and enjoy the summer at its best.   Customers have to simply download My Vodafone in order to […]

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Primele 5 scheme de atac ale criminalilor cibernetici se desfășoară în timpul JO

Primele 5 scheme de atac ale criminalilor cibernetici se desfășoară în timpul JO

De data aceasta, toate evenimentele vor avea loc fără spectatori, ceea ce reduce riscurile fizice – din punct de vedere al sănătății și al securității cibernetice (cum ar fi furtul de date folosind vulnerabilitățile Wi-Fi-ului public de pe stadion). Cu toate acestea, pasionații de sport nu ar trebui să uite că infractorii cibernetici vor profita de dorința fanilor de a […]

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Intelligent Asset Management: Riding the Wave of Predictive Maintenance

Intelligent Asset Management: Riding the Wave of Predictive Maintenance

Maintenance and Repair Operations (MRO) are among the most important activities of modern industrial organizations. They enable enterprises to operate smoothly and have a significant impact on productivity and bottom lines. An important part of MRO deals with the management and maintenance of physical assets like the machines and tools used in production operations. That is why enterprises invest heavily […]

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5 Things to Pay Attention to when Implementing an ERP with European Funds

5 Things to Pay Attention to when Implementing an ERP with European Funds

Many companies consider implementing an ERP system using European funds, but few manage to complete such an initiative. The year 2021 brought new European measures and funds for digitalization, which raised the interest of the Romanian entrepreneurs in the modernization of IT applications and infrastructure. One of the best known is ,, Action 2.2.2 – Digitization of SMEs” and it […]

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HMF tests multi-cell LTE network for public safety in Hungary

HMF tests multi-cell LTE network for public safety in Hungary

Successful field trial in Hungary: On behalf of Pro-M, the operator of the Hungarian Public Safety Network, Hytera Mobilfunk (HMF) has tested a multi-cell, mission-critical LTE network in real operation. The central 700 MHz LTE test system was set up in the city centre of Budapest and consisted of an LTE core, the MCx application server (MCS) and two SmartOne […]

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Vodafone Romania brings parents and children to the same side of the game

Vodafone Romania brings parents and children to the same side of the game

Under the concept “If we can play together, we can grow together”, Vodafone Romania brings parents and children to the same side of the game in June. This weekend, on Saturday, videogaming fans are invited to a fun and interactive online event. The Good Gaming League will play the most famous videogames together with their parents in a unique event […]

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Vodafone Business launches V-Hub

Vodafone Business launches V-Hub

Vodafone Business launches V-Hub, an online platform for small and medium-sized enterprises, with free access to relevant resources and information related to digitalization. V-Hub is a tool which provides SMEs with real support to grow and successfully operate in a digital world. The platform is structured in four main sections: Digital expertise, Digital marketing, Digital security and Remote work. Here […]

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Telekom Romania introduces, for the first time, the 3D preview of the phones on

Telekom Romania introduces, for the first time, the 3D preview of the phones on

Telekom Romania continues to improve the customer experience on and announces a new feature available for the first time on the official website, through which visitors can view in 3D the available phones. In order for site visitors to more easily identify the real dimensions of mobile terminals, Telekom Romania has added a functionality through which they can more […]

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Why this is the time to double down on a consultative sales approach

Why this is the time to double down on a consultative sales approach

The COVID-19 pandemic unleashed unprecedented disruption on countless parts of our lives. It also changed our behaviors and accelerated many ongoing trends. For me, the most significant impact has been on how businesses of all sizes approach technology purchases. The arrival of a global pandemic just accelerated the trend away from the annual cycle of buying the latest shiny technology […]

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4 Ways to Build Cybersecurity Resilience

4 Ways to Build Cybersecurity Resilience

From third-party supply chain attacks to exploits targeting Microsoft Exchange to worries about our election security and infrastructure, the world faces unprecedented and unrelenting cybersecurity challenges. U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas, Girl Scouts’ Interim CEO Judith Batty, and Dr. Chutima Boonthum-Denecke from Hampton University’s Computer Science Department discussed those issues at a special event hosted by RSA […]

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Wi-Fi 6 – The Bare Facts

Wi-Fi 6 – The Bare Facts

The latest wireless standard, 802.11ax (more commonly known as Wi-Fi 6), is about to be ratified by the IEEE and offers the potential for significant improvements over any existing Wi-Fi deployment. So, everybody should rush out and upgrade their wireless infrastructure – right? As you’d probably expect, the answer isn’t as simple as that. Before we look at some of […]

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