Category: FOCUS

Digital Identity Revenue to Exceed $53 Billion Globally by 2026, as Verification Becomes Critical

Digital Identity Revenue to Exceed $53 Billion Globally by 2026, as Verification Becomes Critical

A new study from Juniper Research has found that revenue for digital identity vendors will exceed $53 billion globally in 2026; doubling from $26 billion in 2021. Digital identity revenue includes third-party and civic identity apps, centralised identity schemes, and digital identity verification. In addition, the research predicts that the increased demand for digital onboarding frameworks in the face of […]

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Nokia, Ericsson & Druid Software Top Juniper Research Private Networks Competitor Leaderboard

Nokia, Ericsson & Druid Software Top Juniper Research Private Networks Competitor Leaderboard

A study from Juniper Research has ranked Nokia, Ericsson and Druid Software as key leaders within the private networks sector for 2021. Private cellular networks are cellular networks managed by or for specific businesses, and do not allow unauthorised access. They are generally used where other forms of connectivity are either unavailable or insufficient, such as on an offshore platform, […]

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ESG is top of the enterprise tech agenda, says GlobalData

ESG is top of the enterprise tech agenda, says GlobalData

Enterprises of all sizes are racing to deliver environmental, social, and governance (ESG) commitments, which, according to GlobalData, is no longer a tick-box ‘nice to have’ but an essential part of doing business in the twenty-first century. The leading data and analytics company notes that ESG action is being driven by value and supply chains, end to end. Robert Pritchard, […]

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CEO optimism regarding global economic growth hits ten-year high

CEO optimism regarding global economic growth hits ten-year high

CEO confidence in the global economy’s growth prospects is at a ten-year high globally, according to the 25th PwC CEO Survey. Of the respondents, 77% expect the global economy to improve in 2022 compared to last year. “While facing pressure from the COVID-19 pandemic and volatility from rising inflation, supply chain disruptions and the wave of employee resignations, global executives […]

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In 2021, Romanian customers rediscovered the pleasure to travel and networking in restaurants and cafes

In 2021, Romanian customers rediscovered the pleasure to travel and networking in restaurants and cafes

Increasing amounts for travel, entertainment and socializing in restaurants and cafes, gradually recovering the physical shopping adopting at a large scale the e-payment solutions – these are few of the trends noticed amongst above 1.5 million customers of Revolut financial app, last year, in the Romanian market. In the last 12 months, Romanian users counted 107 million transactions and the […]

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Global business leaders voice major concerns over the use of Artificial Intelligence

Global business leaders voice major concerns over the use of Artificial Intelligence

Global business leaders harbor major concerns over the decisions and omissions made by Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems – despite the fact that 60% of companies now use them. Dentons, the world’s largest law firm, has conducted a survey of global business leaders on their organizations’ use of AI, as well as on the risks and opportunities presented by AI technologies. […]

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Mazars global study reveals most businesses are overconfident about their level of data maturity

Mazars global study reveals most businesses are overconfident about their level of data maturity

Mazars, the international audit, tax and advisory firm, with research partner DataGalaxy, announces the release of its first global study on data – The race to data maturity: Is your business as far ahead as you think? Over 1,100 business leaders from 21 countries, working in different size organisations in various industries and sectors participated in an online survey. The […]

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Over 40% of Romanians think the government has the capacity, will and abilities to tackle climate change

Over 40% of Romanians think the government has the capacity, will and abilities to tackle climate change

People across the globe see national governments as primarily responsible for tackling climate change (54%), followed by the UN (40%), according to the results of a new Vodafone Institute survey conducted by Kantar, which included 17,000 people from 17 countries, including Romania. And digitalisation is considered by most to be a solution for achieving climate goals, as mentioned by almost […]

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KPMG The 2021 Customer Experience Excellence Report: The Value for Money Economy Meets the Connected Customer

KPMG The 2021 Customer Experience Excellence Report: The Value for Money Economy Meets the Connected Customer

A new report released today by KPMG in Romania reveals that today’s consumers have high standards. They expect to receive great value for money for the products and services they buy, and to have excellent interaction with employees as well as flawless service. The Value for Money Economy We are wrapping up 2021 with a look at the state of […]

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VAT collection: the main issue of the Romanian authorities, which may be solved through digitalisation

VAT collection: the main issue of the Romanian authorities, which may be solved through digitalisation

Last week, the European Commission published the VAT Gap report for 2019. The good news is that, at the European Union (EU) level, the VAT collection rate has increased again, and Member States have lost about €7bn less than the previous year. However, if we look at the absolute value of the VAT amount that the tax authorities have failed […]

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Vodafone Business report: 94% of ‘Fit for the Future’ businesses are better prepared for risks and more likely to outperform competitors

Vodafone Business report: 94% of ‘Fit for the Future’ businesses are better prepared for risks and more likely to outperform competitors

The number of businesses globally considered ‘Fit for the Future’ (FFTF) and better prepared to deal with future challenges – such as increased competition, changing employee expectations, and rising customer demand – has grown, according to a major new study from Vodafone Business. An overwhelming majority (94%) of FFTF businesses believed they were well-prepared for the risks facing them, compared […]

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Data from Revolut Junior reveals:  European parents’ habits and attitudes towards finances for children

Data from Revolut Junior reveals: European parents’ habits and attitudes towards finances for children

Data from a survey conducted by Revolut Junior, the account for kids and teens with 1 million users all over the world, reveals European parents’ habits and attitudes towards finances for their children. The data comes from a survey conducted by Revolut Junior, with almost 5,000 participating European parents. The data shows, among other things, how much weekly pocket money […]

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