Category: NEWS

DRUID Named “Hot Vendor in Conversational AI” in 2021 Aragon Research report

DRUID Named “Hot Vendor in Conversational AI” in 2021 Aragon Research report

DRUID, a leader in conversational AI technology for enterprise productivity, announces today that it has been included in “Hot Vendors in Conversational AI, 2021”, a new report by Aragon Research, Inc. The list of “Hot Vendors” in Conversational AI includes the four companies Aragon has identified as making a difference in the market with interesting, cutting-edge products, services, or technologies. […]

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Veeam Unveils the Future of Modern Data Protection at VeeamON 2021

Veeam Unveils the Future of Modern Data Protection at VeeamON 2021

Veeam® Software, the leader in Backup solutions that deliver Modern Data Protection, today showcased a glimpse into its roadmap through 2021 and how the company will continue provide its customers with the most advanced data protection across all environments – cloud, virtual, SaaS, Kubernetes and physical.  At VeeamON 2021, the leading event to Accelerate Your Data Protection Strategy, Veeam provided […]

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Veeam Reports 25% Growth in Q1’ 2021 with Unmatched Scale and Market Expansion

Veeam Reports 25% Growth in Q1’ 2021 with Unmatched Scale and Market Expansion

Veeam® Software, the leader in Backup solutions that deliver Modern Data Protection, today announced another quarter of double-digit growth with an annual recurring revenue (ARR) increase of 25% year-over-year (YoY) for Q1’21. Veeam kicked off 2021 with its expansion of public cloud support with the general availability of NEW Veeam Backup for Google Cloud Platform — complementing Veeam Backup solutions […]

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Vodafone powers the first smart forest in Romania to prevent illegal logging

Vodafone powers the first smart forest in Romania to prevent illegal logging

Vodafone announces, for the first time in Romania, a smart forest project, connected to the Supernet network. The forest, located in Covasna County, was equipped with a system for real time monitoring and warning on sounds specific to forestry operations, which helps fighting against illegal logging. The project is part of Vodafone’s mission to protect the environment and a call […]

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Tremend has grown its business

Tremend has grown its business

Tremend has grown its business up to 21 million Euro, an increase of 40% compared to the previous year, thus maintaining the upward trend of the last years. For 2021, Tremend aims for a turnover of 30 million Euro, by consolidating its presence in the US, UK and Benelux markets, and by growing its number of clients as a result […]

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Extinderea EA SPORTS FIFA pe multiple platforme la nivel global

Extinderea EA SPORTS FIFA pe multiple platforme la nivel global

Electronic Arts a prelungit licența UEFA pentru mai mulți ani. EA extinde accesul la jocuri video de fotbal prin intermediul mai multor proiecte în curs de dezvoltare și prin oferirea posibilității de descărcare gratuită a FIFA Online 4 pentru PC unui numar de 80 de milioane de potențiali jucători din peste 15 noi țări. În plus, franciza va fi lansată […]

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