Category: Education/Job

www.ș, now available to teachers for continuing training

www.ș, now available to teachers for continuing training

Vodafone Romania Foundation and Didactica Foundation are launching the platform, a free digital solution for the management of teachers’ training. The project is mentored and financed by the Vodafone Romania Foundation with a budget of RON 264,300, through the strategic program “Connecting for Good”, and was developed by Didactica Foundation, with the support of Code for Romania, within the […]

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IBM Commits to Skill 30 Million People Globally by 2030

IBM Commits to Skill 30 Million People Globally by 2030

IBM unveiled on October 13th a groundbreaking commitment and global plan to provide 30 million people of all ages with new skills needed for the jobs of tomorrow by 2030. To achieve this goal, IBM is announcing a clear roadmap with more than 170 new academic and industry partnerships. The effort will leverage IBM’s existing programs and career building platforms to […]

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SIMAVI, the main content developers in eTraining for the EU Commision

SIMAVI, the main content developers in eTraining for the EU Commision

Learning brings progress. For us, at SIMAVI, to create the architectural design and then develop an eLearning course that will help build future specialists in any domain is a privilege, but to do this for the most important organizations of the European Commission is a true accomplishment. And we are proud of it! In time, we have become the main […]

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Free course for young people who want a career in the digital environment

Free course for young people who want a career in the digital environment

The Telekom Romania Foundation and Telekom Romania invite young people who want a career in the digital environment to the course of introductory digital skills and improvement of skills in the field “How to step properly into a digital career?”, which will take place online, June 28 – July 8, 2021. The course is free and is aimed at young […]

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Green balance: less plastic, renewable energy and care for the forests

Green balance: less plastic, renewable energy and care for the forests

Vodafone’s mission is to contribute to a digital society that allows socioeconomic development and access for all to the opportunities created by digital solutions, while caring for the Planet through initiatives that reduce the negative impact on the environment. Vodafone Romania’s commitment to protect the environment is highlighted by the constant concern to implement initiatives with significant impact, which aim […]

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Vodafone invests €20 million to advance digital skills and education across 13 European countries and Turkey

Vodafone invests €20 million to advance digital skills and education across 13 European countries and Turkey

Vodafone announced today an investment of €20 million by the Vodafone Foundation to expand Foundation digital skills and education programmes by funding local initiatives in Albania, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Turkey, and the UK. This investment is expected to reach 16 million learners by 2025. The programmes, delivered in partnership with charities […]

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