Transport/Travel — September 5, 2022 at 2:52 pm

DRUID brings conversational AI automation for Christian Tour travelers’ dream holidays


DRUID has partnered with Christian Tour to develop a conversational virtual assistant that will assist travelers in receiving personalized offers and information quickly and consistently.

DruidChristian, a dynamic and convenient conversational virtual assistant, available on the travel operator’s website, allows for more fluid and less structured conversations than typical forms-based experiences, assisting users in easily selecting the travel destination that best suits them, and in making the process enjoyable. Thus, new customers can interact with Christian seamlessly upon entering the website and are guided to request personalized travel offers based on a variety of information they provide in the ensuing conversation. Christian Tour has a rich history of counseling and assisting its clients, and thanks to modern AI technology, the company will now be able to also present tourists with many relevant options for configuring their vacation for any destination.

Existing customers, on the other hand, can use Christian to receive updates on their planned trips and reservations, as well as ask related questions. The AI-powered virtual assistant also serves as a real-time feedback channel, collecting information that can help Christian Tour improve its overall user experience.