Empresa de Arquivo de Documentação SA, one of the largest Portuguese companies in the field of digital archiving, brings to the Romanian market the E-Adeverinta service, by accessing which companies can digitize their historical archives to quickly issue allowances such as bonuses and income for pension files.
Currently, the procedures are extremely complicated. The workbooks have been converted to electronic format since 2001, and for the period before this year, employers must issue work certificates, within a maximum of 30 days of receiving requests to do so. According to market estimates, 3% of the approximately five million retirees in Romania have applied for certificates for recalculating pensions from 2018 to date. This means almost 150,000 applications, concentrated in the periods immediately following the amendments to the pension legislation.
Companies with a history older than the 2000s, in industries such as mining, steel, automotive and more, must mobilize more employees to process a maximum of 10 applications in a month. There are also 60-year-old physical archives, very difficult to access, kept in improper conditions, with certain documents degraded or destroyed. Not infrequently, the 30-day deadline is exceeded, and former employees, in their name or as a group, sue companies for significant delays in issuing certificates. In addition to fines, companies risk paying penalties for months of delay.
Unique on the Romanian market, the E-Adeverinta service offered by EAD simplifies procedures and centralizes all necessary data, by scanning payroll or payroll, extracting the necessary information from them for each employee and generating a database.
“A company in the production area that had bonuses for hard working conditions, with several thousand employees in the years ’85 – ’90, probably receives between 60-120 applications for certificates annually. Here we come to the rescue, through the E-Adeverinta service. Companies will simplify all procedures, save significant human resources and reduce long-term costs. By accessing the EAD service, the physical archives will be transformed into electronic ones, and all the data necessary for issuing income certificates can be accessed immediately “, explains Liviu Zamfir, Chief Operation Manager of EAD Romania and one of the Romanian experts in archive management.
By accessing the E-Adeverinta service, after processing the physical archives, the data will be available in the RWS platform (Read, Write & Share), and the bonuses and income type certificates will be generated with a single click. E-Adeverinta is a service similar to those offered by EAD in Portugal for more than 10 years.

“The word ,digitization’ is used more and more often in Romania. Our know-how and experience in Portugal, where we have a portfolio of over 2000 active clients, helps us a lot. We have developed our own document management software and adapted it to the most diverse industries on the market. We have constantly developed procedures and applications and taken them to the top level. Due to these advantages, when we approach Romanian companies with the same profile as our clients in Portugal, we can start procedures quickly and efficiently because we are aware of the specifics of most industries “, says Bruno Amaro, CEO of EAD Romania.
EAD will start implementing the E-Adeverinta service for a company operating in the field of public catering and which had an average of over 2000 employees annually during the 50 years of operation. The project will run for 7 months and involves scanning over 200,000 pay slips and extracting over 5 million indexes.